
Clearaudio concept mc silver and Clearaudio concept mc Signature silver

Reduction to the maximum is how Clearaudio electronic GmbH describes the Clearaudio concept mc and Clearaudio concept mc Signature pickup systems, which are now also available as Clearaudio concept mc silver and Clearaudio concept mc Signature silver.

Story Highlights
  • The Clearaudio concept mc and Clearaudio concept mc Signature cartridges are now also available as Clearaudio concept mc silver and Clearaudio concept mc Signature silver.

The German company Clearaudio electronic GmbH has been known for years as a supplier that covers the entire spectrum of music reproduction from vinyl records. In addition to turntables, tonearm systems and phono preamps, the specialist from Erlangen naturally also offers cartridge systems. This range is now being expanded to include MC cartridge systems.

Clearaudio electronic GmbH intends to launch the previously available Clearaudio concept mc and Clearaudio concept mc Signature pickup systems in a slightly adapted version. While their housings have so far been presented in a discreet black colour, they will also be available in silver in the future, namely as Clearaudio concept mc silver and Clearaudio concept mc Signature silver.

Clearaudio concept mc and Clearaudio concept mc Signature

With the Clearaudio concept mc and Clearaudio concept mc Signature, the manufacturer is talking about solutions that combine high-quality moving coil technology with minimalist design and that can offer a particularly clear, detailed performance. To achieve this, the company relies on a system based on a boron stylus and a so-called micro line pick-up diamond. According to Clearaudio electronic GmbH, this is an absolute novelty in the price class, so that the Clearaudio concept mc and Clearaudio concept mc Signature can even be described as true High-end bargains.

The pickup systems have a system body made of an aluminium-magnesium alloy with a ceramic coating and weigh 8 g.

While the Clearaudio concept mc already has a channel deviation of less than 0.5 dB, the channel deviation of the Clearaudio concept mc Signature is only less than 0.3 decibels, as the manufacturer proudly states. The system impedance for both systems is 11 ohms.

The output voltage of both the Clearaudio concept mc and the Clearaudio concept mc Signature is 0.4 mV and the frequency response is stated as 20 Hz to 20 kHz. The recommended tracking force is 2,2 g in the data sheet for both pickup systems.

No longer only in black, but now also in silver

As already mentioned, the two Clearaudio concept mc and Clearaudio concept mc Signature pickup systems were previously only available in black, but now Clearaudio electronic GmH also wants to offer versions in silver as an alternative, whereby the new Clearaudio concept mc silver and Clearaudio concept mc Signature silver models differ only in the design of the housing, but the technical features are completely identical.

Prices and availability

The new versions of the Clearaudio concept mc and Clearaudio concept mc Signature MC cartridge systems are now available from specialist retailers, with the Clearaudio concept mc silver costing € 950,- and the Clearaudio concept mc Signature silver € 1.400,-. This means that the prices correspond exactly to the solutions previously offered in black, which can now be found in stores as Clearaudio concept mc black and Clearaudio concept mc Signature black.

Getting to the point

It may not be a major innovation that Clearaudio electronic GmbH no longer offers the extremely exciting Clearaudio concept mc and Clearaudio concept mc Signature pickup systems in black only, but also in silver as Clearaudio concept mc silver and Clearaudio concept mc Signature silver. However, this gives customers a further option for customising the look of their record player down to the very last detail.

PRODUCTClearaudio concept mc silver and Clearaudio concept mc Signature silver
PriceClearaudio concept mc silver € 950,-
Clearaudio concept mc Signature silver € 1.400,-
ManufacturerClearaudio electronic GmbH
DistributionClearaudio electronic GmbH
More about this manufacturer at HIFI BLOG

Michael Holzinger

Michael Holzinger, founder and editor-in-chief of HiFi BLOG and, has been working for years as a journalist in the fields of IT, photography, telecommunications and consumer electronics.

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